Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Saturday Ramble

I got in to town today.  The thrift store here has paperbacks for under a dollar.  Most look as if they have never been read.  Then a trip to Walmart to use a birthday gift-card.  Fabric on special promotion, $1.50 per yard!  I see quilting in my future.   I love a bargain.  Im happier with cheap fabric and books than with expensive jewelry.   I enjoy researching, checking, and finding a deal.  Its fulfilling, its challenging, and its savings.

When I was working for, and then later owning a travel agency, I enjoyed passing that on to my clients.  A good agent knows when and how and who.  My son has strongly suggested I work again at it....since he hears the complaints from his co-workers on the so-called bargains they get.  I must admit Im tempted.  I can do it from home, and since I love traveling, its a fun thing that never feels like work.  I have the credentials and the, why not?

Of course, in my  fantasy life, Ive been an author, a clothing designer and more.  Isnt that the fun part of age, that we can dream of all the things we may still do?  I think Im a Jill-of-all-trades.  Ive worked in the medical field, wrote for a newspaper, worked in marketing, been an auditor, a travel agent, and a hotel manager.  Interesting to me is that the same skill sets were used in each.  Attention to detail.  Friendliness.  A willingness to think outside the box.  I found that the hardest part in each of these jobs was to find people to employ.  People are so structured that they often cant see what isnt right in front of them.  Or they wont stretch and take chances.  Or they are so unhappy within themselves that they carry it around all the time and appear unfriendly.  Its amazing to me that intelligent people dont seem to feel the need to follow procedure- not if they can "band-aid" it and call it done.
So where is the fault in all this?  Is it the education system?  Is it the social push to conformity?  Is it that responsibility is something that is no longer emphasized?

I heard a speaker from my church, who made this statement.  "Children dont always hear what we say, but they see what we do."  Wow.  For some reason, that was a "lightbulb, ka-ching" moment for me!  I remember myself as a child,  ignoring my parents, even as they called to me.  Its what kids do.  But I also remember in the evening after dinner, mom and dad would gather in the living room and read.  Dad with his farm magazines, mom with her novels and  magazines.  I dont remember them ever saying anything about reading, but my brother and I both are  read-a-holics.  I was reading on my own at 5, and I think my brother was about the same age.  I devour books.  Good or bad, I cannot put a book down once Ive begun it.  And Im one who cant stand to turn corners down or break the spines.  LOL   Isnt if funny how we are ingrained in our ways?

Our bit of excitement last night  was a grass fire in the field behind the property.  Its in the midst of nothing, so Im sure that kids probably started it.  Called the fire department and they came and put it out.  It was maybe a quarter of a mile from our property line, but in dry grass, it can quickly grow out of control.  The large fire here in Colorado that I wrote about the other day is 90% contained now.  They are hopeful to get it out completely by tonight.  So thankful that no more lives were lost.  Its tragic for the 4400 hundred acres, the 2 dozen homes and 2 lives lost.  A woman is still missing, but it could have been so much worse!

Have a great weekend, and dont allow yourself to be an April Fool tomorrow!

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