Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tradin Talk

Renewed-  a defunct blog that Ive revived.  Ive learned that it isnt about the destination, but about the journey- and I am still on my journey.
Recommendations, Thoughts, Reviews, Recipes and Ideas.  A good place to gather my "woolen" thoughts and share.

I've been thinking about expectations.  So often we think we know about things based on the visual.  But we see only the surface.  We fail to look deeper, and in doing so, we shortchange ourselves as well as others
This link is a perfect example:http://www.godvine.com/Shy-Boy-and-his-Friend-Shock-the-Audience-with-The-Prayer-Unbelievable-1318.html

Those first impressions can sure be wrong..........

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