Saturday, May 19, 2012

Life and other comedies.......

First off-  the contest.  Giving away an autographed novel, written by a talented author.  The book is Amish fiction, and the author lived that life.  How to win: Share with your friends.  Have them subscribe to the blog.  They need to subscribe, and then post here- "?" sent me.  Your name must be there so you get credit.  The person has has the most credits will win the book.  The contest will end  at the end of June, when the author will be revealed via a published interview!  {There will be 2 winners, so get busy! } lol
Next- the Walapini is coming along.  The upper wall is in  place, and the next stage will be the roof supports, and then the roof.  He went with a flexible, reinforced plastic.  I promise pictures then.  No current work, due to his having developed Strep infection.  He is ordered a weeks rest and heavy antibiotic.

I did want to share a timely tip with you all.  Ticks seem to be really bad this year.  In my quest to avoid harsh chemicals, I was searching for other ideas.  This one is "guaranteed" to work!   One part TeaTree Oil, and two parts water.  Put in a spray bottle.  Shake well before using.  Spray onto socks, sleeves, collars, even your pet.  Apparently ticks avoid the oil.   Im going to try it this coming week.  Let me know how it works for you!  A friend added that full strength on a tick will cause it to back out of the skin.  Much better than the old method of alcohol and matches!  Ouch!


My son has informed me that Im becoming a hippie in my old age.  I think we agree. lol   More and more I am interested in less chemicals in my life.  Even body soap is loaded with them.  Im gathering the best of the best,and will begin to make my own.  Soaps, shampoos, body lotions, cleaning agents, laundry detergents.  Even cooking sprays!
And, Ive learned how much cheaper things can be.  That cooking spray we buy at the store?  Did you know that using 1 part oil and 2 parts water in a spray bottle is the same thing? Canola oil or olive oil are what I usually use, however even a corn oil doesnt need to be as thick to prevent sticking!  In any case, I will pass along the great ideas that Im finding.


Tonight is the solar eclipse.  We should be able to see it well from here, however we have some rare-but-precious storm clouds.  Id rather have the rain any day!


I will be back again soon, with new ideas and updates.  Dont forget the contest- I promise that you will be happy!!

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