Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Common sense and large families

I read an article recently on the Duggar family.  They now have 19 children, and she recently miscarried what would have been the 20th.  The article suggested that the Duggars are wrong to have so many children, and that the children suffer for lack of attention, etc.

I read a separate article that described their budget.  It seems that they get paid for the TV show, between 25 and 40 thousand .  That was per episode or month, Im not sure now.  What an amazing amount of money!
And so, as I dont sleep at night, I find myself thinking.  You know how things wander through your mind at will?  lol

So, first- the large family.  The Duggars get no government assistance of any kind.  They pay cash for everything, and the elder children assist with the care of the younger ones. How is this wrong?  In the last century this was the norm.  Large families to share the work.  Older kids helping younger ones.  Many groups still have large families, among them the Amish, the Mennonite, some Evangelicals.  Who does this hurt?

As for the large amount of money, lets dig a little closer.  The Duggars paid cash for the home they live in.  At 7000 sq feet, it cost them under Seventy thousand.  They spend approximately $3000.00 a month for groceries, approximately $600.00 a month on utilities. They buy nothing new.  Clothes, cars, etc- all secondhand.  They make a lot of their own clothing, they make things like laundry detergent.  Excess money is invested in properties that they own and rent to others.  Seems that they are very good, budget-wise, so again, who does this hurt?

It was suggested in the first article that her miscarriage was a "sign"  that she should stop.   Who are we to say this?  It would seem to be a decision that husband and wife should make. I guess the entire article seems hypocritical to me.  We have Welfare moms with many children, and nobody presses for them to be sterilised.  That would be political suicide.  However, it is ok to discuss the Duggars and others like them.
I disagree.  It seems that there are far more important things out there to worry about, than a "larger-than-usual" family that supports itself.  Enough said.

I have given a lot of thought lately to self-sustainability  Sometimes it is frightening how far from our roots we have gone.  I was raised in hand-made clothes, garden vegetables, farm grown meat.  Some of my earliest memories include gathering eggs.  As a  young wife and mother, I began to stray.  We tried pigs one year- what a nightmare that was!  My husband hadnt made a sturdy pen, and I found myself at 8 months pregnant, trying to capture and return 6 pigs.  Never again!

We did have our own beef, and I canned tomatos, corn and green beans.  I made jelly, and made a twice a month trip to the grocery for everything else.  I made some of my clothes, but not my husbands.  I did have a large freezer, so I made sure to keep it stocked.

Now, years later, I realize  that I havent canned for years, havent stocked a freezer, and my sewing is for enjoyment rather than necessity.  I can tell you, its a lot more expensive!  And so, since buying this property, I am re-thinking sustainability.  When all the remodeling is done, it will be easier, but for now, I pinch pennies and have a strict budget.  Ive been looking at laundry detergents,and I dont like all the chemicals, so Im making my own.  Same with shampoos and body soaps-  its a little shocking how many things are in there that we dont need on our bodies!   So I have been digging and researching to find some simple, easy and cost-saving recipes.  When I have them perfected, I will share.

I would love it if you have something that works for you- cost-savings, eco-friendly or just a good home remedy!  Please share...


The weather is slowly getting better here.  I think it was TS Elliot who said that "The cruelest month is April".  I would agree- it teases and tempts us with warm weather and blue skies, and then takes it away with rain, snow and gray skies.  Im ready for May!

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