Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bad Habits....

I have some bad habits. lol   I dream big, and then procrastinate.  Im getting the sewing itch. You know the one, when you mentally see yourself being all creative, and your friends ooohing and coooing over your works of art, your family anxiously hoping the next gem is for them.

I love to sew, but I do it in spurts.  I may go months without even thinking of it, and then suddenly Im consumed with the desire to make something.  Im having a major attack now.  Quilt fever has struck.

The last full size quilt I made was several years ago.  It was a king size, and a gift for my mother in law.  I was still finishing it on Christmas Eve.  It was a star pattern, done in shades of pastels, mostly pink.  She loved it.
I have no idea what happened to it after she died, but in my mind, I still see it, and her holding it close.

Ive done several smaller ones since, baby quilts, lap robes, place mats, etc.  They were pretty, but nothing special.  So now, as the itch has grown, Ive been rifling my fabric stash again, and looking at patterns.

I want to do something different than I have done before.  So now, Im torn between two choices.  I had thought to do a Landscape quilt.  Those just fascinate me, and I might enjoy the challenge.  I had decided to do that, and was thinking of what i wanted to use, when i stumbled across a Stained Glass quilt.  Ive seen only a few of these, but they are breathtaking to me.  So, here I am, locked into indecision.

The Eagle below is a beautiful Landscape quilt. Its also fairly simple, which I love.  Only a few fabrics to work with.   Below that is the Stained Glass quilt. I have seen them both pieced, and appliqued.  They are striking both ways.  This Stained quilt appears to be Batik fabrics, but Ive seen it done in small print as well.

If and when I decide and actually begin one, I'll let you know!

Have you got a sewing or crafting itch?  Gardening?  I'd love to hear about it!
Hugs, and have a great week.


  1. Where do I find the pattern for the stained glass quilt

  2. Me too! The pink and purples and blues are fantastic. Could you send me the pattern? KGeorge. 3324 Ranch Road 620S. Austin, Tx. 78738
